Since 1992

Condo Conversions Clearinghouse (CCC) has been in the condo conversion business since 1992. It has completed five conversions for its own account and has acted as a consultant on numerous other conversions. Our goal is to assist our clients in maximizing the profitability of their conversion.

Your Apartments Are Worth More As Condos

Through a "condo conversion" a multi-family rental property such as apartments and townhomes is converted into condominiums which are then sold individually. The key to the successful (profitable) conversion is the purchase/ownership of the rental property at a low price per square foot and then selling the converted condos at a much higher square footage price.

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Condo Conversions Clearinghouse has completed a number of condo conversions. We have a tremendous amount of "hands on" experience and knowledge that we can share with you. Outlined below are the particulars on three of these conversions.

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